Overview of OOCM

OOCM has one main arm which is a ministry to orphans and vulnerable children and the people who care for them

OOCM has, since 2010 , developed an organization that has a heart for marginalized communities and in a unique way managed to develop a relationship between two such communities so that they have become beneficial to each other. The destitute and homeless, who are overcoming various forms of addictions, are part of a restorative project whereby they are given accommodation and put through a program aimed at helping them fit back into society.

In addition to this project OOCM has a project in  which addresses the issues of children in crisis and supports them and their parents in an effort to restore a functional and safe home environment for the children. This is done through feeding schemes, offering creche and aftercare facilities, supporting families with monthly food parcels and offering counselling and support to the parents and care givers. The parents are further supported by offering skills based training and assisted with income generation projects. As part of the restoration process, those undergoing treatment at the centre, support the children's project by delivering food and donations, maintaining the grounds and buildings and providing security services. By reaching out in this way they are being given a way to play a functional role in society once again and as such both projects become mutually beneficial to each other.

Our Mission is to empowering and uplifting marginalized communities by addressing the physical, social, intellectual and spiritual needs of the individual through strategic interventions in partnership with the community

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